Pitch Your Game!

How to Pitch

Greetings weary Developer! You’ve travelled far and wide, scrolled many pages, penned many lines of code and now you are seeking a fellow companion to handle marketing, PR, porting and so much more for your wares so you can complete your quest. 

What are the goals for our guild?

Our aim is to find exceptional games from talented people regardless of genre, budget, platforms or XP. We want to join projects that excite and delight so we can level up together.

Our current discovery quest line is to find small to medium sized projects releasing in the next year. 

Your Pitch

But hold on Traveler! First you're going to need a pitch. There's many great resources on how to build a pitch, we're a fan of this one here but we need a few things, to know how to equip you and your game.

Your playable build

For the right game, we might sign a paper pitch, but having something playable helps. Whether it's a demo, prototype, vertical slice or something else. We're not going to treat it like a finished game of course, but being able to play something helps us see what you're cooking.

This can be delivered anyway you like, steam keys, demo on a page, through files or put it on 150,000 floppy disks and mail it to us (don't).

Your presentation

We don't need you to spend on an outsourced fancy deck, it can be plain text, white background, save the money and time for you and your game!

We just want the cold, hard details, here's some ideas for what to include:


Money isn’t everything, but we agree, it’s a big part of it.

We know that for a lot of people, discussing financials can feel tricky and awkward.  From the get-go we want you to feel like you can ask us anything, anytime, it’s you, your survival, ask away.

We ask for a budget. That's; what you want as a minimum guarantee, your staff's wages, any outsourcing you will need and how much you want to spend on marketing, localisation, QA, porting and so on. 

Game Design and Timelines

We need to see your vision and we need to make it happen. Having a Game Design Document showing the timeline and milestone of your project (We're not sticklers for dates) will help us build plans tailored to your needs..

If you're keen to show us what you're brewing, we'll be happy to equip you for the rest.
E-mail any pitches to: submissions@silverliningint.com